Author-Mom Pens a New Children’s Book That Teaches Love and Understanding Through Creative Storytelling.
— Nancy Earley Wright
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA, March 5, 2024 / — Mental health encompasses a spectrum of emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. It affects the person’s holistic state of well-being where individuals who experience it balance the various life’s challenges in the resolve to bring contribution to their communities. Unfortunately, the stigma surrounding mental health often obscures the conversation, leading to misconceptions and hesitancy in seeking help.
With that, the need to have great materials to educate young minds against the rising and current stigma is necessary. Though we acknowledge that there’s been progress about it through decades, we’re still far from the ideal community we are supposed to be.
Nancy Earley Wright, a mother, designer, and a woman with bipolar disorder, shows the ups and downs of the illness in her newly published book that serves as a creative expression in dealing with relationships between a mother and a child getting through the challenges bore from such illness.
In her book, “My Mother, The Bipolar Bear” the first children book by Wright, uses the metaphor of a mother bear to illustrate the highs and lows of bipolar disorder. The narrative not only educates young readers about mental health but also provides a platform for open conversations between parents and children.
In this book, a seven-year-old cub guides us through the daily challenges and frustrations he faces while living with a mother diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Despite the inherent difficulties, the cub bravely confronts his feelings, deciding to communicate openly with his mother. This act of courage becomes a catalyst for unexpected and creative solutions to surface. The tale explores the power of determination as the cub, armed with resilience and love, seeks ways to bridge the gaps caused by the challenges of bipolar disorder.
“I wrote this book to recognize the importance of introducing these concepts in a child friendly manner. Through its endearing characters and engaging storyline, the book creates a safe space for children to explore the nuances of emotions and learn about mental health with compassion,” Wright says.
My Mother, The Bipolar Bear breaks down the barriers of understanding by humanizing the experiences of those with bipolar disorder. Through simple line illustrations and a relatable storyline, children are introduced to the concept of fluctuating emotions, fostering empathy from an early age. This approach not only promotes acceptance but also equips children with the tools to engage in compassionate discussions about mental health.
Wright wrote, “To my friends who fight the good fight of managing bipolar disorder, I applaud you. I know it is not all lollipops and toe socks – believe me! But I find that even today, with my “cub” grown, it is the simple, basic things that will keep you afloat.”
My Mother, The Bipolar Bear stands as a testament to the power of storytelling in addressing complex topics with grace and sensitivity. By blending a delightful narrative with an important message, this children’s book opens the door to conversations about mental health, helping children build a foundation of empathy, acceptance, and resilience.
Nancy Early Wright is the owner of Wright House Design based in Massachusetts. The book is now available on Amazon and other leading digital bookstores worldwide.
Diosdado Aba, Jr.
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